Thursday, March 11, 2010


Me: "Let's snuggle! "
K: (with little hands cupping my face) "You're so cute, Mommy"
Me: lovin' it

REALLY! I'm back...kinda

and looking forward to this:

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm back! Please disregard the absence!

Finally finding time to get back to my interests - cooking, blogging, reading, raising kids, etc. all of which will be hopefully discussed here!

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Better than anticipated!

The cocktail party was a huge success! The food was great, the drinks flowed, our best friends were here! I went to bed at 2am (J stayed up and cleaned up until 4am - what a prince!) and woke up at 7:30 to high tail it down to work by 8am. Tired, but oh so worth it!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What is busy?

I haven't posted in a long time - life is out of control. My "jobette" has turned into more than a full-time job, I'm coaching volleyball for A's 7th grade team, kids have Christmas programs and I decided it would be a good idea to have a cocktail party this Saturday. And I am glad I'm having it but getting ready for it is a mad scramble.

Hoping to still enjoy the season, but the pressures are mounting....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Organization? Who me?

So, with five kids (who am I kidding - even when I just had two), the barage of mail, bills, art projects, school notes, lunch forms, study guides, etc. abound at our house. I used to try to tackle it the minute it came in the door, and I still attempt that with the mail. (If I even let it sit on the counter for one day, it's a week.) SO, I have devised a new system this year, and it seems to be off to a good start. I have one file folder that I cram everything into and ignore it.

Just kidding - I do cram everything into a file folder, but every Wed. morning, when I have my two delicious hours to myself, I go through it and address everything. I pay bills, fill out lunch forms, secretly throw away the art projects I deem unworthy of hanging (don't criticize - I'm talking the computer generated Word Art crap they do in computers), respond to notes, and make phone calls. It has been working swimmingly. And I am patting myself on the back over it.

I also recently read a brilliant idea for Christmas organization in a magazine and have to share. A woman said that she wraps each family's gift (e.g. inlaws vs. her parents) in different paper. That is, when she goes to pick out their gifts, she doesn't have to look at the tags - she knows what gifts are for them by the paper, grabs and goes (or hands out if at her house). Isn't that smart? I'm totally going to try it this year.

So, how do you handle all the paperwork?