Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Better than anticipated!

The cocktail party was a huge success! The food was great, the drinks flowed, our best friends were here! I went to bed at 2am (J stayed up and cleaned up until 4am - what a prince!) and woke up at 7:30 to high tail it down to work by 8am. Tired, but oh so worth it!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What is busy?

I haven't posted in a long time - life is out of control. My "jobette" has turned into more than a full-time job, I'm coaching volleyball for A's 7th grade team, kids have Christmas programs and I decided it would be a good idea to have a cocktail party this Saturday. And I am glad I'm having it but getting ready for it is a mad scramble.

Hoping to still enjoy the season, but the pressures are mounting....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Organization? Who me?

So, with five kids (who am I kidding - even when I just had two), the barage of mail, bills, art projects, school notes, lunch forms, study guides, etc. abound at our house. I used to try to tackle it the minute it came in the door, and I still attempt that with the mail. (If I even let it sit on the counter for one day, it's a week.) SO, I have devised a new system this year, and it seems to be off to a good start. I have one file folder that I cram everything into and ignore it.

Just kidding - I do cram everything into a file folder, but every Wed. morning, when I have my two delicious hours to myself, I go through it and address everything. I pay bills, fill out lunch forms, secretly throw away the art projects I deem unworthy of hanging (don't criticize - I'm talking the computer generated Word Art crap they do in computers), respond to notes, and make phone calls. It has been working swimmingly. And I am patting myself on the back over it.

I also recently read a brilliant idea for Christmas organization in a magazine and have to share. A woman said that she wraps each family's gift (e.g. inlaws vs. her parents) in different paper. That is, when she goes to pick out their gifts, she doesn't have to look at the tags - she knows what gifts are for them by the paper, grabs and goes (or hands out if at her house). Isn't that smart? I'm totally going to try it this year.

So, how do you handle all the paperwork?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy 17th Anniversary, Honey

It was actually yesterday, but here is my public acknowledgment (totally stolen from another blog)

Love does not consist of gazing at each other,
but in looking together in the same direction.
~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Friday, September 12, 2008


Yesterday was my birthday. And it was seven years ago as well. I've read a few blog posts yesterday and today about 9/11. So many people experienced the day in similar fashion, but everyone has their own story. Here's mine:

I was at home, and due in about three weeks with my fourth child. I was making beds and the phone rang. I saw by the caller id that it was my mom calling (about 8:15am or so). I answered expecting a "Happy Birthday" and instead heard, "What's going on?" Then she told me a plane had hit the WTC. I didn't think too much of it at first - I assumed a small aircraft had lost control and hit one of the towers. I got off the phone and went and turned the tv on. And then I knew. There is really no way to express how we were all feeling that day: it was horrible, tragic, unbelievable. I remember my sister calling to tell me she was being evacuated from her building and coming to my house so she wouldn't be alone. I called my husband and was on the phone with him when the second tower fell. I wept and begged him to come home. It seemed like it took them both forever to arrive. (The train stations were packed and trains were leaving with no schedule - just leaving when they were full and making all stops.) We watched CNN for the remainder of the day, into early evening. And then, my husband remembered it was my birthday. We went out for dinner, but it seemed almost selfish to be doing something other than praying and watching. I will never forget the eerie silence of the skies those days following 9/11. It felt like the whole world had changed - and it did.

Seven years later, I still have people tell me that it's too bad my birthday falls on 9/11. One of my brothers in particular is obsessed with this fact, and never fails to initiate an in-depth discussion of the entire event (and of course, the conspiracy theory) when he calls to wish me a happy birthday. He says he remembers me saying on 9/11/01 that I wished it wasn't my birthday, but I find that hard to believe. I have never felt that way. My birthday was September 11 long before it turned into the day of the worst terrorist attack ever. I feel a complete disconnect between the two events.

We will always remember 9/11 and what we were doing when we heard. I will aways get a lump in my throat and the sting of tears in my eyes when I remember the horror. And I will always pray for those we lost and those who remain.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Random Observations

A few things I saw on my commute to the office today:
  1. A woman wearing white pants with flowered underwear. BIG flowers. BIG mistake.
  2. A woman with her iPod nano tucked into her bra. Not only did it seem a little wierd, but isn't that uncomfortable?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today my dad is 70.

Me, hubby J and our five kids, my sis, brother-in-law & their three kids, my brother and his wife, and my other brother are heading to our hometown to spend tomorrow with Dad to celebrate this milestone. Golf will be played, the lake will be swum in, the jet ski will be ridden, and food and drink will be consumed. I am bringing some of those cool sky lanterns to light tomorrow night (seven of them - one for each decade) and hopefully the weather will cooperate. I will post pictures!

And of course, we are bringing gifts. I got my dad the John Adams dvds from the HBO special and also a new golf shirt. Along with the golf shirt is a "coupon" for 18 holes of golf at our club. Hope he takes us up on it!

I'm looking forward to this grand celebration!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Bringing home the Bacon

Things I like about my job:

  1. I get to work with one of my best friends. I met her twenty years ago when I started my first job. She was my boss' boss. As time passed, I got promoted a few times, worked directly for her for a while and ultimately became her peer. She is my boss at at this job which I actually prefer. She looks out for me and gives me a lot of flexibility with my schedule. In return, I do whatever I can to cover for her when she's out of the office and I keep my ear to the ground and let her know what's going on with her staff. Dont' get me wrong, I am not a snitch but I help keep her in tune with everyone. She's great.

  2. I generally like everyone I work with. They are all nice, highly competent people (exceptions: see below)

  3. It's a part-time gig which is hard to find. I still get to spend time with the kids and help out at their schools.

  4. I get paid well. This is great as it pays the kiddies school and camp tuition.

  5. Free beverages every day - water, diet coke and coffee, all staples in my diet. It's great not to have to haul bottles and cans on the train and subsequent walk to my office.

  6. Free lunches several times a week. Although this could also be a negative as I eat too much and my ass is already spreading from sitting in my office 30 hours a week.

Things I dislike about my job:

  1. I am working on some major projects and if I had more technical knowledge, I'd be way better at it. I hate feeling incompetent.

  2. I am currently supervising a temp that is a total dork. And it's my fault cuz I hired him. What was I thinking???

  3. With respect to items 1. and 2. above, I am currently supervising a problem employee at the request of my friend, my boss. I would do just about anything she asked of me, but I better get a HUGE bonus for this one. Now this person I am keeping tabs on is extremely annoying because: a) he goes way over the top with his thanks (e.g. "thank you SO much, I appreciate that SO MUCH, this going to be SO helpful, so THANK YOU SO MUCH, I really DO appreciate it" and on and on) b) he appears completely disinterested in meetings, slouching in his chair and responding to discussion and resolution with "Thas coooooool" c) he claims to have 17 years in the business but appears clueless when actually working; no substance when he opens his mouth, none d) he wears his iPod while working - seriously? e) he burps, sometimes loudly, at his desk, quieter when he's in someone's office or in a meeting f) he talks with food in his mouth - disgusting

Need I say more?

Now I feel quilty for writing that. I will try to help him improve, but I think his days are numbered.

So, the "likes" outnumber the "dislikes", so I guess I'll stay. Oh yeah, and the economy sucks and those pesky tuition bills keep coming in the mail.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Back from Canada, eh?

Here she is, leading the pack down the camp road after her return from Canada. While she said she had had a shower at this point, she confesses she was quite hairy. :)
She and A come home Saturday! Can't wait!

Monday, August 4, 2008

15, Fifteen, 15, Fifteen - Happy Bday E!

I can't believe it - she's fifteen today. E is our oldest daughter, the firstborn, the one that broke us in as parents, and she's fifteen today. And I can't even wish her a happy birthday because she is wrapping up an 8 day canoe trip to Canada today.

So that she knows I am thinking about her today, Happy Birthday to my sweet little girl that isn't so little anymore. I love you, Mom

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Revolving Door Etiquette

If you are exiting a revolving door, isn't it just common courtesy to complete the turn in a manner that the person who is waiting to enter can easily do so? This is a major pet peeve. Weigh in, internet.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Out of the mouthes of boobs..I mean babes

My six year old son referred to a bra as a "boob holder" today.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Let me know - asap

We're going on vacation next week and I usually do a lot of reading while I'm lounging around by the lake (did I mention I can't wait?). Any suggestions, internet?


I'm officially a blogger - again. Watch out world.